Santa Stroll December 2006

Santa Stroll December 2006

December 2nd 2006 Santa Stroll and Christmas Cards for Servicemen
On Friday night, December 2nd, members of the Scituate American Legion Post 144 met at Thompsons Business Services on Front Street. We were joined by a Blue Star mother Reen Gildea, whose daughter Air Force Sgt. Renaissance Gildea is presently stationed at Altus Air Force Base in Oklahoma. As our Adjutant said, "We had 124 cards for the troops signed and collected $132 for the Blue Star Mothers which should pay for the mailings. The duty roster included Bill Thompson, Tom Reilly, Stephen Litchfield, Frannie Litchfield, Gary Vitti, Dennis Badore, Bob Callahan, Paul Stanley, Frannie Litchfield and John Broadley. It was very enjoyable and very satisfying to see the response from the public. Once again the post is conspicuous in the town."
I might add that our Master at Arms magnetic personality really drew the people in. Or maybe it was the fact that he was out in the street stopping traffic!
Vitty and Badore Blue Star Mother
Army veterans Vitti (left) and Badore (right), Dennis Badore served in Vietnam.
Doris Badore and Blue Star mother Reen Gildea.

Joyce Local youth
Recently returned from Iraq John Joyce shakes hands with Post Vice Commander Vitti
Some of the local youth signing cards.

Callahan Badore
Post Historian, Callahan, sampling the goodies!
Sergeant at Arms Badore looking for likely customers.

Adjutant Braodley & Vice Cmdr Thompson Ralph and Betty
Adjutant Broadley and Vice Commander Thompson
Ralph Butler and Betty Foster signing some cards.

Bill Thompson Callahan

A little time for some fun. Vice Commander Thompson and Historian Callahan jaming.

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Last edited on November 13, 2007