The officers and members of the Scituate American Legion
Post 144 welcome you to our WEB page.
We stand ready to encourage patriotism, serve our community,
and to honor veterans.
Join us in paying tribute to a great nation and it's men and
women who served our country.
Whether you served on the battlefield or in support of the battlefield,
whether you served on a quiet ocean or a war torn ocean, it doesn't
From the American Legion website article; War Era Debate: A Veteran is a Veteran
A post by the National Adjutant
"The question needs to be asked: Are the vast majority of people who have served during wartime and not been shot at any less
of a veteran of that war than those who were on the front line?
Are they not entitled to be called and to think of themselves as War Veterans? Is there something curiously less than acceptable about
their service? Should they be not proud that they served?
Do they stand in the shadow of those whom they supported? Are they like the red-haired stepchild? If 90 percent of those who enlist
are going to end up being "less than real veterans," why should they bother?
On the other hand, the hand of God or Uncle Sam can at any moment change one of those guys' statuses, and that guy has no control
over what happened. Nonetheless, when called, he was ready.
He trained just as hard as the next guy, and was just as willing as the next guy to go where sent. These are real questions and they go
right to the heart of honorable military service."
So all of you veterans, who meet the requirements as set forth in the American Legion membership requirements,
please join us. The American Legion has opened up its requirements to include veterans who served during peace time as well.
You are very welcomed!
Post Mail Address
Scituate American Legion Post 144
Post Office Box 577
Scituate, MA. 02066
General Meeting Dates
March meeting at the Scituate VFW Post on Rt. 3A.
Last Wednesday of every month at 7 P.M.
Novembers General Meeting canceled due to Thanksgiving
Executive Committee Meeting
Every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7 P.M.
Agenda for Executive Committee Meeting
See Other Activities below:
Legion Display at Town Hall
Thanks to Fred Dorr, Robert Dorr, Andre Farhat, Bob Young, and Ed Covell the MIA/POW chair is proudly on display with Bob Callahan's KIA
display at the Town Hall Lobby
Next Post Event
Veterans Day
All Scituate veterans and one guest are invited to a complimentary luncheon at the Scituate
Senior Center at 11 AM on November 11th
Please make reservations at